Monday, August 18, 2008

Some interesting olympics videos

Some truly interesting videos from the olympics of yesteryears !!

Kerri Strug wins a gold for the US team women gymnastics in a do or die situation..limping to the spring board... (let me not spoil the moment by describing it in mere words)

1996 Altanta Olympics - Kerri Strug's Gold Medal Vault

Eric Moussambani of Equatorial Guinea swims alone in the first of the 100m free style heats at the 2000 Sydney olympics.. hats off to him and for those who sponsored him to come up to this big stage to participate and booooooo to the laughing crowd and the taunting commentators ...

The Dream: Roy and HG on Eric 'The Eel' Moussambani

Do you know of other interesting videos ? Please include them in the comment.

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