The evenings are so boring here at IITB..
First week --> I finished off 3 of the 4 Michael Crichton novels that I brought from Madras.. I had expected them to last the full intern...

and the next week.. I finish off the other novel as well

Now. what to do..
Naresh comes to the rescue.. by lending me his '
Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman' Trust me .. don't ever miss a chance to read that book.. I had almost forgot that he was a prof somewhere down the line.. !! Man what a person he has been !!

And then.. couldn't stand it.. I borrowed "One night @ the call centre" from my roommate.. and read it 4 hours flat.. Actually.. it was quite interesting..atleast worth whiling away your time.. but not worth a purchase I guess.. even at 95 bucks !!

Now.. I purchased this.. will do some serious reading I guess !!

..That will keep me occupied I guess.. But I saw a book that I had wanted to read for a long time.. So I bought this one as well !!

.. Hope these two keep me occupied for the rest of the intern !!